Game: Target Invasion                                   Type: Territorial

Cycle: II, III                                                  Activity Level: Hi

Tactics: Man to man defense                          Equipment: Pinnies, 2 soft balls

COMPETENCY II, using space available, passing the object to teammates, catching an object, defending a target.



Layer 1: Similar to End Zone. The class is separated into 4 teams, and on 2 badminton courts. The students make passes in the badminton court, with the ball trying to pass to a player that is in the end zone. The players are only allowed to pass the ball (there is no locomotion). The teams have to make 5 passes minimum to score in the end zone. Noodles are added as targets. Each time a team knocks down a noodle, they get a point. The first team that knocks all the noodles of the opposite team wins.

Fir this game, there will be defenders, midfielders, and forwards. The defense pass the ball to mids, and the mids pass it to forwards. The forwards must shoot on the noodles and try to strike them down.



The number of passes required can go down to 3.



Remind the students to keep their head up, scanning, in order to prevent bumping into the other team, or getting hit with the ball.