Game: Atom Ball                                           Type: Cooperative, Team Building
Cycle: Last year cycle II, III                        Activity Level: Moderate

Tactics: Good communication, take             Equipment: 2 cones, 1 ring, 4 ropes per your time!                                                                group of four students

COMPETENCY II, communication with teammates, synchronization of actions.



Layer 1: In groups of four (4), students must hold the rope attached to the ring to bring the ball from the first cone to the second cone. If the ball falls, touches the ground or any member from the group, restart at the first cone. 



If it is too easy, add difficulty:

· Tie the rope to your waist

· Travel backwards

· Some or all the members can be blindfolded

· Try with a longer rope



Leave enough space between each group so everyone has enough space to move comfortably, and if the ball falls, it does not make another team drop their ball.